Account Security Tips
1. Try not to use common Passwords use Alphanumeric Passwords.
2. Use a Diffrent Passwords for each site you go to, Don't keep using the same password about 98% of Online Users don't use more then 10 diffrent passwords I recommend using a diffrent Password for every site since alot of people are lazy they use the same password for everything Your typical Hacker love theses kinda things makes it alot easyer to gain access to all your accounts using a diffrent Password will take them longer.
3. Another bad thing is storing important information in your E-Mail You should not keep really important information in your inbox as alot of the Hackers get snoopy and will go thru your emails looking for useful stuff like User names & Passwords for other sites Credit Card info Banking account Info ect...
4. Becareful with using Credit Cards Online Sites most websites store Your credit card info in what is called an SQL Data Base if the WebSite don't have good security on there website files good chance your credit card information could be comprised since alot of the data bases store your billing information in plain text.
Wireless Security Tips
1. Becareful when using Cyber Cafes as it is easy for a hacker to sniff your information over the Network.
2. When setting up a Wireless network don't use WEP as a WEP can be cracked really easy. Use a WPA/WPA2 and dont use a easy Password Phase.
3. Becareful when using someone else Wireless Internet try not to do anything important on Networks you dont own I recommend you buy a VPN when using a Wireless network that isn't yours as I said a hacker can sniff what HTTP information email passwords usernames even sniff AIM/Yahoo/ICQ/MSN Chats.
4. Buy a VPN if your going to be traveling alot and using wireless networks at hotels and other places. A VPN is a tunnel basicly when a hacker trys to sniff your information if your logged in thru a VPN he wont see your information.
Webmaster Security Tips
1. Protect Your visitors & Encrypt your visitors Passwords & Credit card information!
2. Check Your website for SQL Injections & Look into fixing your code.
3. Make sure your server is up to date with all security patches.
4. Hide/Rename or remove the admin folder. Or Password protect the folder
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