Monday, February 28, 2011

Learn how to find admin page for like 90% of websites.

UPDATE: The tool is now able to find more admin logins pages. I have updated it and new functions are added. In other words, this new version is much better

Leeching is forbidden and may lead to dangerous circumstances.

It would be better if you bookmarks this thread so you can refer to them later in the future.

Hello fellows

I can see that many of you is unable or don't know how to find the admin login page for the control panel of a website so i though about writing a little tutorial about the method i use to find admins login pages.

First of all here are the tools you will need to do the job:
Download perl

After that download the admin finder:

Ok now the real work start:
Install the perl tool on your PC. It take few minutes because there lots of files to copy so do not stop it for any reason.

Then extract the admin finder page and copy it to your hard drive partition C:/

Now go to Start > run > and type cmd > press enter

You will get a black dos window.

Type cd\ and press enter
[Image: admin1.jpg]

then type and press enter
[Image: admin2.jpg]

then write the target website and press enter
I will use here my free website at ucoz. Don't try to hack it Biggrin
[Image: admin3.jpg]

then choose the type of that website. This tool will work on asp , php , cfm or type any if you don't know what is the type and press enter
[Image: admin4.jpg]

The tool will search for the admin page as it is shown in this picture.
[Image: admin5.jpg]

And voila


How to run JPG as an EXE

I have searched on this forum and have not found this method anywhere so I decided to post it. Note I have used this method for years and it works on every Windows OS.

Your EXE.

Step 1 :

First things make a New Folder

[Image: Screen_shot_2011-02-24_at_11.34.20_PM.png]

Step 2 :

Place your server .exe inside of the folder

[Image: Screen_shot_2011-02-24_at_11.38.04_PM.png]

Step 3 :

Right click and drag your server.exe inside your folder and press "Create Shortcut Here"

[Image: Screen_shot_2011-02-24_at_11.39.41_PM.png]

Step 4 :

Making sure that your have extension enabled in Windows then rename your server to something legit like IMG_0163.JPG.

[Image: 9JVc.Screen%20shot%202011-02-25%20at%201...9%20AM.png]

Step 5 :

Right click on the server.exe Shortcut and go into Properties and change the Target: To the following

"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c IMG_0163.jpg"
*Note* Put whatever the filename you have is where I put the "IMG_0163.jpg"

[Image: Gwe6.Screen%20shot%202011-02-24%20at%201...3%20PM.png]

Step 6 :

While in the shortcut properties click Change Icon and look for an .ico file that is the same exact as your .JPG file

[Image: jFTC.Screen%20shot%202011-02-24%20at%201...0%20PM.png]

Step 7 :

Finally Rename your shortcut to another .JPG file like IMG_0164.JPG

[Image: 38PU.Screen%20shot%202011-02-24%20at%201...6%20PM.png]

Conclusion + Things to note

Now when you run your shortcut file it will automatically run the select JPG as an EXE. However an ugly CMD box will pop up which makes it a bit obvious. But at this point it is already too late because your server/kelogger/stealer is already running on their system. This is how it looks in the task manager so you could see its the actual JPG running.

[Image: do9g.Screen%20shot%202011-02-24%20at%201...3%20PM.png]

The slave has to run the Shortcut so that the JPG would run


How To Bypass Firewalls To View Restricted Sites in Offices & Schools

Q1) What Method i will be using ?

Ans : I will be using a method called SSH tunneling

Q2) What is SSH ? and What does it exactly do?

Ans : Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices and all traffic are encrypted not like ftp or telnet were all the messages are sent in plain text

So if we encrypt our connection even a firewall or a proxy wont know were we connecting .Follow the setps given bellow to make a ssh tunnel

Q3) Things we need ?

Ans : 1. Putty you can download from here

2. A SSH account there are lots free ssh services providers try
googling them

Q4) Setting up a SSH Tunnel With Putty ?

Ans : 1. After u download open putty now enter the host name as SSH
account which we created earlier and enter the port as 22

2. Now go To SSH options and open tunnels now Change Source port
to 8080 and click Dynamic. and finally click open

3. Now login with your details .Now we will configure Mozilla firefox to use
SSH connection.

4. Now open Firefox and Go to the "Tools" menu and then Options and
Go to the "Advanced" button, the "Network" tab, and then click

5. In the connection settings enter "localhost" as the "Socks Host and
your port number, such as "1080" into the "Port:" field .thats it
now all connections are encrypted thus bypassing firewall or proxy

If you want view the packets u can use wire shark


How to Enable Right Click in Websites

How to Enable Right Click in Websites

You are probably sometimes tried to save images or copy the contents of the website that forbid their use of the right-click. Most websites use javascript to prohibit the use of the right-click , so to enable it you should disable the javascript.
There are many ways to do ti , the simplest by my opinion is using Web Developer 1.1.9 , firefox add-on .

1) Downlaod Web Developer 1.1.9 Download it from this link

2) Click Disable button
[Image: disable-.jpg]

3) Select Disable Javascript
[Image: disable-javascript-.jpg]

4) Again select “All Javascript” option.
[Image: all-javascript.jpg]

How To Create A HTTP Server At Home

In this post we will see how to create an HTTP server. A web server is software installed on a computer that allows other computers to access specific files on that computer/server. There are many reasons to create your own home servers. For example: file sharing, so you can download files from your home computer from anywhere or you can create a web site on own server etc. Simply said It works like this; You choose a directory on your computer , in that directory add folders, files like music,video and etc. When you put the IP address of your computer the in web browser you can see all the files from that folder and you can download those files. Let’s now create a server(HTTP server!) using Apache(a server client):
1. You must have:
Broadband internet connection always on
Windows on your computer
2. Create a folder on your disc , in this example I created a folder on E:\my server
3. Download apache_2.2.10-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi and install it, set parameters( for localhost type something like a’t really matter), also type your email address in field “Administrator@ Email Address” ) as shown below, choose where you want to install it.

4..When you install Apache , go to directory where you installed it (p.e. “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf”) , here you will find a httpd file.
Open that file with notepad.

After this will appear notepad with long and complicated code, don´t worry, you must change just 3 things.
5. In notepad file find #DocumentRoot “C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs” and replace with #DocumentRoot “E:\my server”. Also find #<="" allowoverride="" and="" any="" apache2="" apache="" appear="" but="" can="" change="" create="" created="" disc="" e:.="" example="" files="" find="" folder="" group="" here.="" htdocs”="" i="" in="" is="" local="" none="" on="" other="" path="" place,="" program="" put="" replace="" server.="" server="" server”.="" span="" that="" then="" this="" to="" type="" where="" which="" will="" with="" you="" your="">

After this, save file like httpd.conf.

6. Type in web addresses http://localhost/ or your IP Address, you should see something like this

Every files you put in folder , which we created in step 2 , will be shown on http://localhost/
7. If you want access own server from other computers. You must forward a port in the router we’re using. The port we need to forward is port number 80. Why? Because by default it’s the port used for HTTP. Port forwarding actually means opening a tunnel through the router so that the router wouldn’t reject the connections that are trying to connect to it. How to port-forward? With every router it’s different. Here are the instructions for every one of them. You must also turn off you firewall.
That is all. Enjoy your home server. If you have questions, post them in the comments area.
Note: Creating home server is risky,when you open port, there is a possibility to have someone a breach in your computer .Before you start, make sure your computer has all the latest patches and security updates, and that you’ve done a thorough spyware and virus scan. This tutorial is only for advanced users  

link to download apache


Sunday, February 27, 2011

how to hack gaia online accounts

Warning: This post is for educational purposes only, This post is just to illustrate how hackers can hack your gaia online accounts.
By Rafay Baloch 

Gaia Online is an English-language, anime-themed social networking and forums-based website. It was founded in 2003 as,[1][2] but the name was changed to in 2004 by its owner, Gaia Interactive.Gaia online has now become very famous online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world,therefore it has become target of large amount of hackers,in this article i will tell you How to hack gaia online accounts or Hacking gaia online account.
The method  i will tell you has most success rate than any other method,the method is called phishing and it is the leading method to hack gaia online accounts  

In the field of computer security, phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.The most common method used in phishing are Fake login pages.On this method the hacker creates a fake page which exactly resembles with,and when victim enters his/her password he gets his gaia account hacked


1.Download Gaia Phishing site creator software to make a phisher site 

2.Now extract all the contents into a folder

3.Now you will have something like this:

[Image: creator2ua8.png]

4.Just fill in in url field and provide the destination folder in which gaiaonline should be saved. Just hit on "Create Phisher" to make gaia phishing site.

5. You can also use "Redirection Url" to redirect victim to desired url after he logs in with our gaiaonline phishing site.

6.Now just Create an id in, or or any other webhosting site

6.Then upload the contents into a directory

7.For that after creating an id you should go to file manager and upload all these files.

8.Then just got to gaia.htm and try out whether its working .
After you type the file , a password file named pass.txt will be created in the same directory .
 you can see what username and password you have entered.

9. Distribute the gaia.HTML URL (ie: to your friends.When they login from this fake login page, the login.php will save the username and password onto the .TXT file (or any other format) in your site. Download the file to see the password inside it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bypass Windows XP Password

Forgot Windows XP password ? or Want to Bypass your college ones ? Watch the video and download the tool and you have the best of both worlds

Download ERD COMMANDER 2005 Torrent


What coding language should I begin with?

What coding language should I pick to start coding spy programs?
That's the question I hear most:
What coding language should I pick to start coding spy programs?

By experience, I started with Visual Basic 5, in 1999. Even though I didn't use Windows APIs (Application Programming Interface) I liked the easiness that coding in VB5 was. But you can't go much further without using Windows API, that's what spy programming is all about. With the APIs you will be able to code virtually anything (no pun intended). I found later that VB COULD call APIs, then I changed to VB 6. I managed to make my first "internet" programs, like Ghostvoice. It was connecting to an IP, sending and receiving data! But I was using 2 API calls, and the rest, I relied in VB OCX controls, Winsock + direct speech. Yuck, if the remote computer doesn't have the OCX or even, the VB runtimes, your program will CHOKE, by the means, it won't even start.

So I saw that VB wasn't really my thing, and fastly moved to Delphi 5, and since then I settled forever. Delphi makes it perfect for malware coding, since you don't need any external requirements, only it being Windows OS. It's basically APIs all over, you won't be doing anything else, apart from the VCL, that is a wrapper for visual Windows API, like CreateWindow(), SetForegroundWindow(), ShowWindow(), CallWndProc(), etc. Delphi is pretty easy to learn and it's very intuitive.

It's almost like talking to the code, where you want a piece of code that does something, you do:

procedure DoMyStuff(var MyStuff);

As you can see, there are BEGIN and END blocks, code that doesn't return a value are "PROCEDURE"'s and code that return a value are "FUNCTION"'s. So, before anybody ask, yes I would for sure recomend you starting with Delphi. Then after you grasp your handles with Delphi (pun intended) you can move to C++, and who knows, an ASM compiler such as FASM or NASM (my favorite).

By now, I would not recomend .NET (any 'sharp' language), since it also relies on a framework, that needs to be pre-installed on the computer.
Get coding, you can even try a free IDE called Lazarus, that is for Object Pascal, at
Author: caesar2k

Online XSS Scanning Tool

DOM XSS Scanner | online XSS testing

You already know about XSS and it's risks in web applications. Here i am going to write about an online service which can help you in great ways by finding and patching DOM based XSS vulnerabilities.

What is DOM Based XSS?
DOM Based XSS (or as it is called in some texts, “type-0 XSS”) is an XSS attack wherein the attack payload is executed as a result of modifying the DOM “environment” in the victim’s browser used by the original client side script, so that the client side code runs in an “unexpected” manner. That is, the page itself (the HTTP response that is) does not change, but the client side code contained in the page executes differently due to the malicious modifications that have occurred in the DOM environment.

DOM XSS Scanner:
DOM XSS Scanner is an online tool that helps you find potential DOM based XSS security vulnerabilities. Enter a URL to scan the document and the included scripts for DOM XSS sources and sinks in the source code of Web pages and JavaScript files. More about DOM XSS Scanner.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Install phpVirtualBox on Windows & Linux

What is phpVirtualBox: How to Install phpVirtualBox on Windows & Linux

This article introduces phpVirtualBox, an open source, AJAX and PHP-based implementation of the Oracle VirtualBox interface.

oracle VirtualBox is a great enterprise ready virtualisation software. However, what it lacks is a powerful Web-based management interface. Usually, people prefer VMWare over VirtualBox, as it has good Web-based remote management interface.

phpVirtualBox provides an interface that"s a VirtualBox-look-alike for people who are not command-line savvy. Through phpVirtualBox, you can control a headless VirtualBox VM from a Web browser, including operations such as start/stop VMs, take snapshots, configure VMs, import/export VMs, and much more.

The requirements are:
  • Any Web server with PHP 5.2.0 or later; xampp will be good.
  • A working installation of Oracle VirtualBox 3.2.2 or later.
  • Any Web browser--- Firefox, Opera, Chrome or IE---will do the job.
Installation on Windows

Installation is very simple. Here , I"m using Windows XP SP3.

Install Oracle VirtualBox OSE 3.2.10, and then install xampplite-win32-1.7.3. Download phpVirtualBox 0.5 from here and extract the files/folder into htdocs directory. phpVirtualBox requires that vboxwebsrv.exe
must be running on the Oracle VirtualBox host machine. This file is located at C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\.
Now, edit the config.php file and change it to the following settings:
Now navigate to the resulting folder in your Web browser. ( see the figure below)

Installation on Linux

The installation on Linux is also very simple. I am using Ubuntu 9.10 for this work, and installed xampp-linux-1.7.3. It comes with the latest PHP version. To install Oracle VirtualBox 3.2 on Ubuntu, first you have to add the repos for VirtualBox in your /etc/apt/sources.list:
After that, update your repository cache with the following command :
To install Oracle VirtualBox, run the code given below:
phpVirtualBox requires you to start the vboxwebsrv program, located under /usr/bin:
Here are the parameters :
  • -b : run the program in the background
  • -logfile : log file location for vboxwebserv
Now download phpVirtualBox 0.5:

Unpack it to /var/www or /usr/local/apache2/htdocs. In config.php, edit the following parameters:

Now navigate to the resulting folder in your Web browser.

NOTE: for the sake of tutorial, i have used a single physical machine for Oracle VirtualBox and phpVirtualBox. If you don,t want burden at your Oracle VirtualBox installation with a Web server, then you can host phpVirtualBox on another machine. In that case, you have to make some simple modifications.
Till then enjoy the post and keep visiting !!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Windows 7 Manager 2.0.2 (x86/x64)

Why Should I use Windows 7 Manager?

Windows 7 is the newest Operating System for home users and professionals alike. Windows 7 brings clarity to your world, so you can more safely and easily accomplish everyday tasks and instantly find what you want on your PC.

Windows 7 Manager is the powerful software tool to tweak and optimize your Windows 7, it bundles more than 30 different utilities in one and help your system faster and more stable, secure and personal!

Features and Benefits of Windows 7 Manager


Get detailed system and all hardware information on your system; help you find out the installation key of Windows, Office products; show all detailed information of running processes and threads on your machine; Windows 7 Manager offers 1-clicking cleans your system automatically.

Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed; tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance; Optimize Task Schedule to turn off unnecessary system tasks.

Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner can easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexs your registry to reduce application response time and registry access time.

Control what is started on Windows startup; tune up Windows 7 boot menu; edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings; automatically change your desktop wallpaper on background.

You can improve desktop, menus, Windows logon securities, and enable numerous hidden performance options of system, disable system updates and error reports; hide and restrict to access drives, specify which applications are not allowed to be executed on your computer; encrypt/decrypt and shred files, change the location of system folders; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; create lots of randomization password once.

Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; tweak your Internet Explorer easily.

Misc. Utilities
Show the collection of Windows utilities; split and merge any file.
Windows 7 Manager 2.0.2 (x86/x64).Incl.Serial
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Send Sms From Friends MobileTo Any Number

Hello Friends, today i am sharing an awesome trick with you all. Today i will tell you how to send anonymous SMS i.e. How to send SMS from any mobile number to any mobile number that means how to send SMS from your friend's mobile to your mobile or your friends mobile to your friends mobile or any other number. Basically this technique is call SMS spoofing. By SMS spoofing we can send SMS to any mobile using anyone's mobile number. How this trick can be helpful?? its simple it is helpful when you wanna prank your friends, enemies or simply you want to send free SMS to your friends using their numbers only. So friends read on...

What is SMS Spoofing?
Spoofing is basically mimic of the original i.e. SMS spoofing basically is a technique to send anonymous SMS to any mobile number. By anonymous i means that we can use any mobile number to send the SMS. 

This is not actually a trick or hack but it's a service that a company is providing but the only thing the company forgot is internal send ID Check i.e. which number we are using to send SMS. So this service allows us to send SMS from any number to any number that means. Now the number that we register will be shown to the victim.
Hence we are exploiting the Internal sender ID phone verification feature.

Feature's of SMS spoofing:
  • Spoofed sms (any mobile number to any mobile number)
  • 100% anonymous  messages
  • Worldwide Network (i.e. we can send SMS all over the world)
  • No advertisements
  • Instant Delivery of SMS

How to use this Hack? 
1. First of all, register here . This website looks like this . Fill as i shown below:


2. After Registering you will get 25 free credits that means you can send 25 free SMS from any number to any number. For using it again register another mobile and email ID. 25 SMS is the limitation of this trick from one registered number.. Usually people have two to three sims.
3.  Now after registering you will receive password on registered mobile number.
4. Now login with that password that you got on mobile.
5. Now go to Send SMS to number . As shown in snapshot below:

6. After entering the details as explained in snapshot above. Click on send.
7. That's all the hack. I know its limited but its awesome...Isn't It..

I hope you all have enjoyed it.. Keep visiting friends for more such hacks...
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Keyboard Shortcuts For Internet


CTRL+click (Open links in a new tab in the background)
CTRL+SHIFT+click (Open links in a new tab in the foreground)
CTRL+T (Open a new tab in the foreground)
ALT+ENTER (Open a new tab from the Address bar)
CTRL+Q (Open Quick Tabs - thumbnail view)
CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Switch between tabs)
CTRL+n (n can be 1-8) (Switch to a specific tab number)
CTRL+9 (Switch to the last tab)
CTRL+W (Close current tab)
ALT+F4 (Close all tabs)
CTRL+ALT+F4 (Close other tabs)


Speed Up Windows

Safely turn Off Windows Services To speed up Windows

Some of the windows services starts with the windows eating up the memory. and if they are not used by you then you can stop them from starting with windows. You can re-enable them when you need it.

To check the services program...goto

start -> run ->type" services.msc " (without quotes) -> and hit enter.

There will be a list of services...Some common services you can check and stop them according to your need..

To stop a service..double click the desired service and click on stop button. To stop that service from "disabled" instead of Automatic from the startup type option

1) Error Reporting Service - stop the alert of send and dont send error

2) Help and Support - You can safely turn this feature no one uses this

3) Indexing Service - keep it on of you use windows search..because..this makes the search faster

4) Messenger - Windows messenger. turn it OFF..if you don't use it.

5) Telnet - Turn this OFF..if you don't use it.

6) Interruptible Power Supply - Turn this OFF...if you don't have an UPS


Adobe, Microsoft, WordPress Issued Security Fixes

Talk about Patch Tuesday on steroids! Adobe, Microsoft and WordPress all issued security updates for their products yesterday. In addition, security vendor Tipping Point released advisories detailing 21 unpatched vulnerabilities in products made by CA, EMC, HP, Novell and SCO.

Microsoft’s bundle includes a dozen updates addressing at least 22 security flaws in its Windows operating system and other software. Five of the vulnerabilities earned a “critical” rating, Redmond’s most serious. Six of the Windows flaws fixed in today’s release have been public for some time, although security experts at Symantec say they’re only aware of one of the flaws being actively exploited in the wild — a bug in the way Internet Explorer handles cascading style sheets. Updates are available through Windows Update or Automatic Update.

Microsoft also issued an update that changes the default behavior in Windows when users insert a removable storage device, such as a USB or thumb drive. This update effectively disables “autorun,” a feature of Windows that has been a major vector for malware over the years. Microsoft released this same update in February 2009, but it offered it as an optional patch. The only thing different about the update this time is that it is being offered automatically to users who patch through Windows Update or Automatic Update.


Measure Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss on Data Networks

Why You Need to Measure Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss on Data Networks

With the emergence of new applications such as voice and video on data networks, it is becoming increasingly important for network managers to accurately predict the impact of these new applications on the network. Not long ago, you could allocate bandwidth to applications and allow them to adapt to the bursty nature of traffic flows. Unfortunately, that’s no longer true because today applications such as voice and video are more susceptible to changes in the transmission characteristics of data networks. Therefore, network managers must be completely aware of network characteristics such as delay, jitter, and packet loss, and how these characteristics affect applications.

Why You Need to Measure Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss

To meet today’s business priorities and ensure user satisfaction and usage, IT groups and service providers are moving toward availability and performance commitments by IP application service levels or IP service-level agreements (SLAs).

Prior to deploying an IP service, network managers must first determine how well the network is working, second, deploy the service, such as voice over IP (VoIP), and finally, verify that the service levels are working correctly—which is required to optimize the service deployment. IP SLAs can help meet life-cycle requirements for managing IP services. To ensure the successful implementation of VoIP applications, you first need to understand current traffic characteristics of the network. Measuring jitter, delay, and packet loss and verifying classes of
service (CoS)
before deployment of new applications can aid in the correct redesign and configuration of traffic prioritization and buffering parameters in data network equipment.
This article discusses methods for measuring delay, jitter, and packet loss on data networks using features in the Cisco IOS® Software and Cisco routers.

Delay is the time it takes voice to travel from one point to another in the network. You can measure delay in one direction or round trip. One-way delay calculations require added infrastructure such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) and clock synchronization and reference clocks. NTP is deployed to synchronize router clocks and also when global positioning system (GPS) or another trusted reference time is needed in the network. Accuracy of clocks and clock drift affect the accuracy of one-way delay measurements. VoIP can typically tolerate delays of up to approximately 150 ms one way before the quality of a call is unacceptable to most users.

Jitter is the variation in delay over time from point to point. If the delay of transmissions varies too widely in a VoIP call, the call quality is greatly degraded. The
amount of jitter that is tolerable on the network is affected by the depth of jitter buffer on the network equipment in the voice path. When more jitter buffer is available, the network is more able to reduce the effects of the jitter for the benefit of users, but a buffer that is too big increases the overall gap between two packets. One-way jitter measurement is possible and does not require clock synchronization between the measurement routers.

Packet loss severely degrades voice applications and occurs when packets along the data path are lost. Measuring Network Performance Key capabilities in the Cisco IOS Software can help
you determine baseline values for VoIP application performance on the data network. The ability to gather data in real time and on demand makes it feasible for IT groups and service providers to create or verify SLAs for IP applications; baseline values can then be used to substantiate an IP SLA for VoIP.

Cisco IOS Service Assurance Agent (SAA) technology is a component of an IP SLA solution and the Round Trip Time Monitor (RTTMON) MIB, which enable the testing and collection of delay, jitter, and packet loss measurement statistics. Active monitoring with traffic generation is used for edge-to-edge measurements in the network to monitor the network
performance. You can use the CiscoWorks Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM) network management

Is Your Network Ready for Voice?

Measuring Delay, Jitter, and Packet Loss for Voice-Enabled Data Networks Your success or failure in deploying new voice technologies will depend greatly on your ability to understand the traffic characteristics of the network and then applying your knowledge to engineer the appropriate network configurations to control those characteristics.


Application or the IOS command-line interface (CLI) to configure and retrieve data from the RTTMON MIB, or choose from a wide selection of Cisco ecosystem partners and public domain software to configure and retrieve the data. In addition, the CiscoWorks IPM features are now also available in the WAN Performance Utility (WPU) module of CiscoWorks IP Telephony Environment Monitor (ITEM) network management software.

Deploying Delay/Jitter Agent Routers

You can measure delay, jitter, and packet loss by deploying almost any Cisco IOS device, from a
Cisco 800 Series Router on up. Two deployment scenarios are possible: You can either purchase dedicated routers for SLA measurements or use current routers within the network. Place the routers in a campus network along with hosts to provide statistics for end-to-end connections.
It is not practical to measure every possible voice path in the network, so place the dedicated routers in typical host locations to provide a statistical sampling of typical voice paths.
In the case of VoIP deployments using traditional phones connected to Cisco routers using FXS station ports, the router to which the phones are connected also serves as the delay/jitter measurement device. Once deployed, the operation collects statistics and populates Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) MIB tables in the probe router. You can then access the data either through the CiscoWorks IPM, or through simple SNMP polling tools and other third-party applications. Additionally, after baseline values have been established, you can configure operations to send alerts to a network management system (NMS) station if thresholds
for delay, jitter, and packet loss are exceeded.

Simulating a Voice Call

One of the strengths of using Cisco IOS SAA as the testing mechanism is that you can simulate a voice call. In Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(4)T and later, you can configure the VoIP codec directly in the CLI and simulate a voice call. This release also includes voice quality estimates, Mean Opinion Scores (MOS), and Planning Impairment Factor (PIF) scores. Earlier versions of the Cisco IOS Software enable you to estimate a VoIP codec using the correct packet size, spacing, and interval for the measurement data and enter the appropriate parameters.

The CoS can be set on data or VoIP tests, which allows you to verify how well QoS is working in the network. Examples of how to simulate a voice call are shown below.
With Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(4)T or later, you can use the VoIP jitter operation to simulate a test call:

rtr 1
type jitter dest-ipaddr dest-port 14384 codec g711alaw
rtr schedule 1 start-time now

With earlier IOS releases before 12.3(4)T you can use the rtp/udp even port numbers in the range of 16384 to 32766. The user then approximates 64 kbit/s, and the packet size is 200 bytes {(160 bytes of payload + 40 bytes for IP/UDP/RTP (uncompressed) }. You can simulate that type of traffic by setting up the jitter operation as shown below.
The jitter operation accomplishes the following:
  • Send the request to rtp/udp port number 14384
  • Send 172 byte packets (160 payload + 12 byte RTP header size) + 28 bytes (IP + UDP)
  • Send 3000 packets for each frequency cycle
  • Send every packet 20 milliseconds apart for a duration of 60 seconds and sleep 10 seconds before starting the next frequency cycle
The parameters in the example above give you 64 kbit/s for the 60-second test period.

((3000 datagrams * 160 bytes per datagram)/ 60 seconds))* 8 bits per byte = 64 kbit/s

The configuration on the router would look like this:
rtr 1
type jitter dest-ipaddr dest-port 14384 numpackets 3000 request-data-size 172**
frequency 70
rtr schedule 1 start-time now

Note that IP+UDP is not considered in the requestdata-size, because the router internally adds them to the size automatically.

Delay/Jitter Probe Deployment Example
The two routers below would simulate voice calls of 64 kbit/s every 60 seconds and record delay, jitter, and packet loss in both directions. Note that the delay calculations are round-trip times and must be divided by two to arrive at the amount of one-way delay unless NTP is implemented for one-way delay measurements.

router1# rtr responder rtr 1 type jitter dest-ipaddr dest-port 14384 codec g711alaw
tos 160 frequency 60 rtr schedule 1 start-time now
router2# rtr responder rtr 1 type jitter dest-ipaddr dest-port 14385 codec g711alaw
tos 160 frequency 60 rtr schedule 1 start-time now

Command-Line Data Examples
To view the results you can use the IOS show command at the command line for the jitter operation. Additionally, you can use the command-line data for real-time monitoring and troubleshooting of delay, jitter, and packet loss. For an example of the CLI output, refer to

Monitoring Thresholds

You can use the CLI, CiscoWorks IPM, or the WPU in CiscoWorks ITEM to configure features and monitor data. You can use this data to manage IP SLAs that have been created for VoIP. After you have determined baseline values, you can reconfigure the jitter operations to monitor the network. When predetermined delay and jitter service-level thresholds are reached or exceeded, NMS stations will be alerted.

After you have established baseline values through the initial data collection, you can monitor the delay, jitter, and packet loss levels in the network with the embedded alarm features of Cisco IOS SAA.

The Cisco IOS SAA threshold command sets the rising threshold (hysteresis) that generates a reaction event and stores history information for the operation. Cisco IOS SAA can measure and create thresholds for round-trip time delay, average jitter, connectivity loss, one-way packet loss, jitter, and delay.

Sample Service Assurance Threshold Configuration

router1# rtr 100 rtr reaction-configuration 100 threshold-falling 50 threshold-type immediate action trapOnly

Understanding the traffic characteristics of the network before you deploy new advanced applications is the key to successful implementations. Delay, jitter, and packet loss greatly affect VoIP applications. Your success or failure in deploying new voice technologies will depend greatly on your ability to understand the traffic characteristics of the network and then applying your knowledge to engineer the appropriate network configurations to control
those characteristics.