Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sharing my Penetration Testing Tools with Source

After conducting Penetration Tests over the last 15 years i have a huge collection of windows and linux tools which help you to conduct penetration tests. They cover what backtrack tools, nessus, metasploit and many other cool dev's did not do the job for me.

Tool categories are:
webscanner, smtp scanner, ipv6 scanner, android trojans, stealth keyloggers, stealth remote control software undetectable by AV, vpn scanner, dns scanner, inside out tools to fetch data within protected environments, tunneling tools, penetration checklists etc. etc. etc.

All of them have never been published before. I will release them one after the other including source code. Most of them are really easy to use. I started uploading them to code.google.

Here are some of the first uploads:
dns-information-gathering-tool - This tool do an information gathering based on a domain name. - Google Project Hosting
android-security-demo-app - app and webserver to demonstrate how to control a remote phone via webserver - Google Project Hosting
ipv6-portable-portscanner - windows standalone portable portscanner ipv6 - Google Project Hosting
smtp-security-scanner - This tool identifies various vulnerabilities on a remote SMTP server (testing the remote SMTP deamon as well as external DB's). - Google Project Hosting
swat-web-security-scanner - windows scanner to identify sensitives web server files, methods etc. - Google Project Hosting

The more sophisticated (and dangerous ones) will come later....